
Showing posts with label Book Study. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book Study. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2013

Chapter 6 Talking Drawing Writing & a little personal

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry. So much has been going on these last two weeks that I don't even know where to start. I hope you can relate to my much overdue post. Let me get a little personal first.
We had a our family reunion in Michigan last week (woo, hoo!), which was beyond exciting to see uncles and cousins that I haven't seen in 10 years. My mom comes from a LARGE family of 8 kids and everyone is spread out from Texas to Florida to Michigan, so trying to get everyone together at once is difficult to say the least.

The 8 kids and my grandparents
Anyways, the day that we left to make the 12 hour haul back to Tennessee, my mom and aunt found out my grandmother had a heart attack the night before and told nobody (stubborn woman). Long story short, she had to have an angioplasty and stint to her main artery, which has put the breast cancer issue on hold for about a month, but she is doing much better now. :)
My mom's bunch
Every once in awhile we have to get a little personal. Ok, now onto Chapter 6.....
ASSESSMENT- That word gives me the chilly willies if you know what I mean. I guess because I am so bad at assessing (or at least I feel like it). I have really tried to focus this summer on how to make my assessments more meaningful, but once school starts I always struggle to find that one-on-one time.
I'm going to give you the cliff notes from this chapter- 3 different ways to assess ;)
Individual Writing Assessments:
* LOVE how teachers meet together to discuss students work, wish our school had this "workshop" session
*Write WH "with help" at the bottom of page if you gave the student support
*Create mini lessons based on Cumulative Writing Record
Individual CWR includes:
1. Date/Topic/Title
2. what child knows about craft- Organization, information, voice...
3. Conventions- spacing, letter formation, spelling, punctuation....
4. needs to learn (choose 1 thing at a time to work on)
5. When to teach (what mini lessons we will create)
Love this line..."unless we look at students' work regularly, our teaching wont be effective."
Small Group Writing Assessments:
* Start assessing about a month into school to create mini lessons
* Choose 5 students each week to look at
SG Writing Record includes:
1. Child/ writing
2. what I noticed before reading
3. What writers are doing craft/ conventions (separate with spaces)
4. what need to learn- can be about writing or picture
5. When to teach- mini lesson, interactive writing, conference, read-aloud, conversation, morning meeting, word study, reading instruction
Whole Class Writing Assessments:
* "quick read" whole class of drawing and writing books
* Write down what you see doesn't have to be on a form
* note: craft, conventions, strategies and possible mini lessons
I know individual will be hard for me to do, but I definitely want to try small group assessing. I think it will give me more information than the whole class method. What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Talking, Drawing, Writing Chap 4

As your doing a read-aloud, are you really focusing on the details of the picture? This chapter talks about how drawings in books convey a lot of information to us. Even if we cant see everything, we can figure out a lot by the details in the pictures.

Talking about the DETAILS in the pictures is going to be something I expand on this year.- using the  drawings to dig deeper......accountable talk (sorry, off track! I went to a training this week on Common Core Tasks and Accountable Talk... loved it, but that will be another blog).

Back on track... I love how they said to use a transparency to put over an illustration to show how bodies are made of ovals. What a great visual! Then students need to learn how to add clothes so the ovals wont show.

Are there other ways to draw people that look "real"? Of course, you may have some illustrators in your room. Here is a great opportunity to have students explain how they draw people. (make sure you choose students who you know can draw people)

How many of you draw people only standing? I do, I do... Maybe I shouldn't admit that. After reading this chapter, it seems so easy now to draw people in other positions by using ovals. Model, Model, Model. Have students start thinking about drawing people in action- running, throwing a ball, sitting, etc.

Other things to think about when drawing- people from their backside (as they are walking into something), hairstyle, skin, eyes, clothing.

Have students plan out what they are going to draw first so they don't resort to "Safe Drawings"- house, windows, tree, people facing forward, sun, flowers...


I look forward to hearing from you all.... on to the next chapter!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Talking, Drawing, Writing Chap. 3

First off, have you ever been so excited for a teaching conference and then felt completely let down. Yea, that happened last week. I wont elaborate, but I sure hope my PD sessions this week are much better.

With that being said, on to chapter 3: Drawing... My worst talent, well besides singing. I know, two things we do a ton of in Kindergarten ;) Anyways-

How many of you felt like there was A LOT of dialog in this chapter? Yes, helpful but also overwhelming to me. Here are some of the important parts I took from this chapter:

A lot of this chapter was observing and drawing with shapes.

*Sketching- yep you heard that right! I never thought about teaching my kiddos to sketch. First teach students to make light strokes until they like what they see then make the lines darker. (love it!)
  - Students will need "sketchbook" and pencil (no erasers)
  - Model sketching face (shapes, placement of eyes, nose, mouth, ears...)

DRAW FIRST- then Write!!!
Yes you heard correctly. I am so guilty of telling my kiddos to write a sentence then draw a picture. I wanted them to get their sentence down before they spend so much time drawing. However I have been WRONG telling them to do so.
Often students forget what they wanted to write, but if they have a picture to refer back to they can remember what they wanted to write about and  often they will elaborate on their writing by referring to that picture. I think I will allow my students to draw a picture, write a sentence then go back and color.

One thing I bought last year to help with my poor drawing skills was by Mrs. Miner. My kiddos LOVED it!! Click below to see how to purchase it.

Draw It Now:  26+ Guided Drawing Literacy Centers for the

Monday, June 10, 2013

talking, drawing, writing Book Study- Chapter 2

WOW!! There was a lot to this chapter. If you have not liked up with Teaching With Grace, do so below.

First off- supplies:
* Student drawing & writing book
* Teacher drawing & writing book (18x24)
* Binder Clips
*Caddies with colored pencils (skin colors also), crayons, felt-tip pens...
We ask for black and white composition books at the beginning of the year, so those will be my "drawing & writing" books. I have caddies like the red one below but would love the little cups.
-Around day 9 or 10, model how to draw about your story. "I told you a story yesterday,...."
-Thinking out loud about what you will draw and where you will put your pictures (sort of like mapping it out)
-Then start drawing and really talking about the details (What color hair should I have? Does this color look like my skin color?) Your wanting to add a LOT of details (what clothing you were wearing, what was around you, give the whole picture)
-MAKE SURE NOT TO FINISH YOUR DRAWING!!!! You want to show them how to go back and revise the next day.

- have a few students come up and tell their story and walk through where they would put their drawings on the paper (but not actually drawing)

Each writing time, begin with rereading drawings from the previous day. Model this... teach them to ask themselves questions to help guide their "What to do next". For example.. "Yesterday I drew a picture of myself at the beach. I forgot to add some more things in my picture (the hotel behind me, or the sand bucket....)

Once students start drawing in their books, only allow 10-12 minutes so you can go back and revise the next day.

Next day: Model with a student as to what else they could add to their picture.

Once students are "I'm Done!" MODEL from your book how to move the binder clip from the bottom right corner that is holding all the pages together. Then let the student model for the class on how to turn  their book, allowing to start a new story. (the clip keeps students from flipping through to any random page.)

 Whew!! That was a lot.. if you stayed with me, below is a cute poster I made to help students think about what else to put in their drawing.

Please leave me a comment as to what you thought :)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Chapter 1: Storytelling

And the book study is on its way.... Each week I'm going to give you my insight into each chapter.
Chapter1: Storytelling
How many of you have a "storytelling" time in your schedule? I had never thought about it until I read this book. DUH!? Of course students need to be able to tell a story before they can ever write one. I love how this chapter talked about the importance of every child has a story to tell.
Here are some key points:
*First Day- Read a book and then model telling a story.  Do not tell a story on the same topic as the book just read. Students will think their story has to relate to the book and it will not be personal anymore. Choose a few students to tell a story.
* have a basket with students names on clothespins to choose who gets to tell the story. Maybe something similar to below (remind students how to listen to the storyteller)

* Seat of honor for who is telling the story (make sure they are higher than you)
I think these are cute!! I love Pinterest
* Clipboard (with conference notes) to jot down the story told. Click below for a Freebie
* As students tell their story, rephrase their story to them so they can hear the language. "I understand...." Even hold up fingers through parts of their story to help with sequencing their story.
Students can participate in discussion with the storyteller by:
1. Saying what you understand "I understand..."
2. Asking a question to the storyteller
I hope this was helpful :) Please leave a comment or question.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Book Study Time!!!

First off- Personal share time. (I'm sorry all of you that are still in school) We had a great time on vacation this week. It was much needed!!
My Kiddos (Maddie-5 and Mason-9)

Sibling love

My wonderful husband and I- from a 5 yr olds perspective ;)
Sand Castles

I'm back to reality and looking forward to starting some book studies. The first one I am participating in is hosted by Teaching with Grace. It starts this week!!!! :)
If you havent bought this book yet, you need to. I am excited to be posting on Chapter 6: Assessments. Stay with me and I hope to have some great discussions and freebies.